“a hawk soars directly overhead~
rodent in talons, glorious in its rapture
reminding me that
i am a high mountain dweller,
a descendant of highland warriors~
a fierce lineage pounding at the door
it’s clear the hawk isn’t fasting.
it was not prescribed for one
composed of pure taqwa…
even the earth herself
will bear witness
on the Day when all
are brought forth
to testify
yes, the quran al takwini,
the holy unwritten book of nature~
(complete with signs on the horizons
and within one Self)
has always been an open surah
for my being to read, freeing indeed,
a most exquisite
reminder that i too
long to be (and am) as pure
(when ‘i’ is removed from the equation)”
from One without an other
Yohosame Cameron
Muslim Voices in Contemporary Poetry
Coming soon from Lote Tree Press